Saturday January 18, 2025 14:00 - 14:30 GMT
Britain is one of the most ecologically depleted countries on the planet and one of the most unequally owned: an astonishing 50% of England is owned by less than 1% of its population. The rapidly growing grassroots movement Wild Card is here to change this.

Wild Card campaigns for the UK's biggest institutional landowners - such as the Church of England, the royal estates and the Oxbridge Colleges - to urgently begin rewilding their lands in response to the climate emergency. Meanwhile it pressures government to enact land reforms that would democratise land ownership and open up rewilding to all. Through groundbreaking campaigns such as Rewild the Church, which secured cross-sector support from figures like Michael Gove, Stephen Fry and Caroline Lucas, Wild Card has mobilised over 275,000 people into action for rewilding holding protests, talks and events across the country.

In this provocative talk, Wild Card co-founder Joel Scott-Halkes lifts the curtain on the powerful ancient landholders of Britain, presenting eye opening data on the scale of their holdings and the state of their land before proposing three radical but pragmatic land reforms that could make Britain wilder and fairer.

Joel Scott-Halkes

Co-founder, Wild Card
Saturday January 18, 2025 14:00 - 14:30 GMT
Room 2 The David Attenborough Building, Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QZ

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